
Here is a list of upcoming events for 2025 at the Indianapolis RC Modelers Blue River Airpark.  These events are open to members and non-members alike.  Links will be added for event details as the dates approach so check back.

NOTE: We’ve made a few changes this year!!!

May 3 – All Jet Spring Fling ’25

Come open the flying season with us – bring your Turbine or EDF
jet and enjoy some fun, camaraderie, and other airplanes!   For more info click on the following – All Jet SpringFling 2025

June 7 – Cubs and Floaty Flyers

This is an event for Cubs and similar planes that tend to “float” in the air. Just a fun day of flying for the more sedate flyer.  No water involved.   More details will be posted here.

July 18 – Warbirds over Blue River

Join us for our second annual Warbird event.  All sizes and types of war birds are welcome.  More details will be posted here.

Aug 16 – Toys for Tots Flyin

This is our annual fund raiser for Toys 4 Tots. Bring a new (not gift wrapped) toy or minimum contribution TBD as your landing fee and come out and enjoy flying and contributing to a great cause.  More details will be posted here.

Sep 20 –  Fly All in the Fall –  Fun Fly and Swap Meet

Fly in for all types and sizes of RC aircraft. Large Geotex and grass runway with wide open spaces. Over-night camping available, no connections.

The following event is for club members only… 

The Common Club Airplane Program (CCAP) is back for 2025!

This year we are changing things up a bit in order to allow for more participation.  Here is how it will work.

A CCAP contest will occur on each of the dates listed below.  Each of these dates are on a Saturday (unless otherwise noted)  with the event starting promptly at 1PM.  “Rain date” is the following day.

At 11AM on the day of the event, we will draw from a list of events at random from the following two lists.  There are 5 “luck” and 5 “skill” events.  We will start with a luck event on the April date and then will alternate to a skill event in May and continue to alternate on each successive contest date.  Since the events are all known events, and no one will know which is occuring until that day, all members with the Common Club Airplane can participate… even the organizers!  This two hour window allows for the organizers and member to get setup for the event.

Here are the possible events (click on each to see more detailed rules).

Skill Events

Bomb Drop


Touch and Goes

Carrier Deck

Climb and Glide

Luck Events

Crap Shoot

Dice Roll

Las Vegas Loops

Sudden Death

Taxi Contest

IRCM Common Club Airplane Event Dates 2025

April 19
May 17
June 21
July 5 or August 2
September 6
October 5 (Sunday)



For a more comprehensive list of events in the surrounding area, the Indianapolis RC South club maintains a very nice calendar.  Here is a link to it:  Calendar