CCAP #7 Results – Final for 2024!

Indianapolis's oldest R/C Club
Our 5th Common Club Airplane (CCA) event occured on August 24th and the scoresheet has been updated and re-posted here: CCA Results
A cumulative score sheet is being maintained on our web site if you want to see the current season leaders. Remember the best 5 scores of the seven events will be used to determine a season champ so there is still time to get involved! There is a link to it on the event page as well.
The event had 14 pilots competing in a climb and glide contest in our usual double elimination style. Dave Hart had his first victory of the season going undefeated on the day and while many matches were close, Dave’s last flight was very impressive… Easily the longest flight of the day by a big margin!!
Our next CCA event is scheduled in just a couple weeks on September 7th.
The Indy RC Modelers club, led by Mr. Jeff Thomas, sponsored a team in the AMA Heavy Lift challenge this season and our team took first place!
Click here to see the AMA announcement or here to go to the YouTube video taking you through the entire process.
A big “Congratulations!!” to our team consisting of:
They did a great job. Special thanks to Noah Meurer for his excellent video editing and compiling and IT skills that helped make their submission look very professional.
Our 4th Common Club Airplane (CCA) event occured yesterday and the scoresheet has been updated and re-posted here: CCA Results
There is a link to it on the event page as well.
The event had 12 pilots competing in a timed flight contest in our usual double elimination style. For the second event in a row, the final bracket required 2 flights to determine a victor!
The ability of the pilots to fly for a set amount of time and land on the runway as close to the elapsed time as possible was tested but the pilots proved they had this one in the bag as there were half a dozen or more heats where the winning pilot landed within one second of the time alloted! Some heats were decided with less than 2 seconds seperating the pilots with one on each side of the landing target time. Very impressive.
Come out and check out the fun at our next event! Thanks to the organizers and volunteers who helped make it happen. Even with all of that, we finished up in just over 2 hours.
Our third Common Club Airplane (CCA) event occured yesterday and the scoresheet has been updated and re-posted here: CCA Results
There is a link to it on the event page as well.
The event featured 13 pilots competing in a bomb drop contest. It was a double elimination style contest and competition was tough all the way to the end. The final bracket required 2 flights to determine a victor!
There was a slight error that caused a couple of folks to get eliminated prematurely. Tony did his best to properly award places and points. This just reminds us that we should have given Tony a bit more assistance in running these events! If you enjoy this type of thing, please come out and offer to assist in the future.
There was also a couple of minor errors in the previous event scoring (just some typos) so those scores have been adjusted as well.
Come out and check out the fun at our next event! Thanks to the organizers and volunteers who helped make it happen. Even with all of that, we finished up in just over 2 hours.
Our second Common Club Airplane (CCA) event occured yesterday and the scoresheet has been updated and re-posted here: CCA Results
There is a link to it on the event page as well.
The event featured 12 pilots competing in a spot landing contest. It was a double elimination style contest and competition was tough all the way to the end with several perfect scores being posted!
Come out and check out the fun at our next event! Thanks to the organizers and volunteers who helped make it so happen. Even with all of that, we finished up in around 2 hours.
Our first Common Club Airplane (CCA) event is in the books and the results are posted here: CCA Results
I will update this as soon after each session as possible so you can keep an eye on the “leader board”. There is a link to it on the event page as well.
The first event featured 12 pilots competing in a contest to see who could do the most “roops” in 90 seconds including landing on the runway. It was a double elimination style contest, so 1 loss did NOT eliminate anyone… guaranteeing a bit more flying for every pilot. There was a bonus for successfully landing on the runway, and a penalty for any parts landing separately or flipping over the airplane on landing. In spite of all of that, there were several tied rounds and the competition was tough all the way to end with the final face off requiring 3 straight flights between the 1st and 2nd place competitors to determine a winner!!
Come out and check out the fun at our next event! Thanks to the organizers and volunteers who helped make it so happen. Even with all of that, we finished up in around 2 hours.
Check out our event page for dates for our 2024 events. Some things have changed a bit for 2024 so take look, find something that interests you and put it on your calendar. We love having guests!
Just added a new link to a great web page that has lots of info on basic electrical concepts and simple circuits. This was suggest to us by Ms. Corrine Kimball who is working on her Girl Scout “Think Like an Engineer” badge. Thanks Corrine, and good luck on earning your badge.
Go to our links page to find other useful resources!